H.Res.650 - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4617) to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to clarify the obligation to report acts of foreign election influence and require implementation of compliance and reporting systems by Federal campaigns to detect and report such acts, and for other purposes
El siguiente documento establece la legislación para la consideración del proyecto de ley (H.R. 4617) para modificar la iniciativa de Ley (H.R. 4617) a fin de enmendar The Federal Election Campaign Act de 1971 para aclarar la obligación de reportar actos de influencia electoral extranjera y exigir la implementación de sistemas de cumplimiento y presentación de informes por las campañas federales y así detectar y reportar tales actos.
FUENTE: Hastings, Alcee L. (sponsor). "H.Res.650 - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4617) to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to clarify the obligation to report acts of foreign election influence and require implementation of compliance and reporting systems by Federal campaigns to detect and report such acts, and for other purposes". Congress.gov. Consultado el 10-22-19.
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